Have you ever been at work or life in general where the situation was out of your control and you had to just sit back and watch things unfold?
So that is what this saying means for me.
When I was in the last days in the garment industry I remember repeating this over and over each time a new Rock Star was hired and then fired or a new policy was implemented and then forgotten about.
If you read the post I did on my CliftonStrength test you know I’m not one for discipline.
It is literally my last strength so needless to say in my twenty-three years in the industry I was never able to do corporate.
I just don’t have it in me to play the game.
I always worked in the family-owned companies that felt like home for me because I thrive in chaos.
Where there are no rules and you are thrown in the pit left to figure it out.
Actually, there may have been some rules but they were either not enforced or if you stayed quiet, got the job done, and then went home you could easily get away ignoring them.
The trick was to keep your mouth shut and not tell anyone.
Back to the Popcorn story so after talking to my friend Sam the other day I learned that this message also applies in family dynamics.
So the trick is to not be triggered and when you feel you are to stay quiet and be a conscious bystander watching the show.
I literally said to her OHHHHH I have to grab the popcorn & enjoy the show?
To which she said yes because if you engage then now you are wasting your energy on the situations and the other person has your power.
I finally got it after all these years!
Always late to the Party!
Now I’m not saying this is going to be easy and won’t come with a lot of work and deep breaths in the process but at least I am aware of it and can just work at it every day until it becomes a habit.
By the way, they say it takes 21 days to develop a new habit.
One popular method to build habits is called the 21/90 rule. The rule is simple enough. Commit to a personal or professional goal for 21 straight days. After three weeks, the pursuit of that goal should have become a habit. Once you’ve established that habit, you continue to do it for another ninety days.
So whether you are trying to develop a new workout, eating, sleep, or any other habit this is the work it will take you to make it stick.
This is also the reason why all those crash diets I used to do never worked until I started consistently exercising every day.
Now we can also apply this saying to the current quarantine situation.
This pandemic is literally out of our control.
Other than staying home and keeping social distance we have to wait this out and take it one day at a time.
There will be a new normal and we will adapt.
Just like everything else in life, it will all work out.
So that said let’s take a deep breath, grab the popcorn, and enjoy the show!
And while you are at it here are a bunch of goodies to help you enjoy that process or have a great movie night with the family.
I mean to each his own!
Like To Know It Board
Aren’t there are so many great ideas to create that special Movie Night at Home?!
From making your popcorn old school on the stove to the new hi-tech air pop machines there really is something for everyone.
Not to mention all the flavors available now too!
I mean when I was a kid it was salt and butter but now we can get fancy!
Don’t you agree?
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Let me know if you have a favorite in the Blog comments!
Whether you are enjoying your next Movie Night or working on your Self Development I hope this post was helpful.
Please share it if it was : ))
I hope you are all staying healthy and well.
Have an inspired night full of Unicorns and Rainbows!
xo Nicole
Guess I never realized the connection before now of what the universe has been trying to tell me this whole time BUT there has to be a connection to the fact that this READY TO POP post on my Pinterest is literally one of my most popular.
Not only that but since I uploaded the graphic file to Etsy I have sold two and Etsy shows that 8 people have it in their cart.
That is not to say they will buy it and at $2.99 a download it’s not a huge amount of money but for me, it shows that the whole passive income of putting the work in, design out, and then waiting for it to get purchased while you sleep does work!
Again our parents had it all wrong it is not working harder for your money it is WORK SMARTER!!!
The goal in life for me is to break through all those limiting beliefs that are holding me back one at a time.
The reason I’m sharing this is that we do not see our superpowers because they come easy for us.
The secret is to unlock yours and then figure out how to monetize it.
So for all my creative design friends especially out there I’m talking to you!!
Think of all those unused files sitting on your backup drive that you created over the years that are collecting computer dust.
What if you uploaded them and then waited for the universe to send you the person who was looking for that very thing you thought was not valuable?
What if???
Just saying….
I got you thinking, didn’t I???
And that was the point.
Think outside the box my friends especially NOW!!
Rant over Thanks for listening xoxoxo
For more shoppable designs check these out from my Like To Know It page.
Note: My blog periodically contains affiliate links meaning that if you make a purchase, I might make a small commission at no extra charge to you. Purchases made through them are greatly appreciated.
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