Sharing a 12K Dining Room Makeover. Again we have mixed high and low priced items here but when this room is revealed it will definitely look high end!
When this design was posted on Instagram we included two options on the chair color. Depending on if you are a blush pink lover like me or are drawn more to blue you will get a different look. These chairs are actually not super expensive so if you did get tired of either color you could always change them out later since the rest of the design is very neutral.
This room will look stunning with grasscloth wallpaper and drapery panels either in the chair color for added interest or silver for a more neutral look.
Please follow along as new designs are added to this series of posts. The goal is to educate consumers as to the costs of a room makeover so they have a better idea when working with a designer or going DIY.
As always please continue to follow the journey through our Instagram Stories and Facebook updates where we will continue to share behind the scene videos and findings.
Have an Inspired day!
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